11.4. Apply basic warm up and cool down programs

Course Description: <div>This unit describes the skills and knowledge required in a coaching role of conducting safe and effective warm up and cool down programs. This unit is particularly appropriate for coaches who lead martial arts, sports or exercise groups and is designed to create a safer environment for clients in a coaching situation.</div>

1. Undertake legal and ethical responsibilities

Teaching time 150 (mins)
Self paced activities On line learning
Assessment Included
Break Time NA (mins)
Total time 150 (mins)
Course price 5500 (Online delivery)
Prerequisites Prereqisites
Approval code 1015
Approval term 24 months
Course type Qualification Skills
Course provider   
only one

Additional information

<div>4. Apply basic warm up and cool down programs</div>

Delivery Knowledge Skills (DKS)

"Mission: to cultivate and steward a culture of integrity and respect in the coaching industry!."