Jacob Commadeur

Jacob Commadeur

Coaching Category: Martial Arts

Specialization(s): Karate, Teshinkai Karate, Kyokushin Karate


Shihan Dai Jacob Commadeur

Shihan Dai Jacob Commadeur, a 4th Dan in Karate, has been a dedicated practitioner of the art since the tender age of seven. Over the years, his unwavering commitment and passion for Karate have propelled him to become one of Teshinkai Karate's most esteemed and valued instructors. Jacob's journey from a young student to a highly respected Shihan Dai offers a wealth of experience and insights that he generously shares with his students.

Starting his Karate training as a child, Jacob quickly developed a deep love and respect for the discipline. He understands firsthand the challenges and pressures that young students face, particularly during their teenage years when the temptation to quit can be strong. Jacob's personal journey through these obstacles has equipped him with the knowledge and strategies to help his students overcome similar challenges. He emphasizes the importance of balance and perseverance, demonstrating how these qualities are essential for a successful martial arts career.

Jacob is highly regarded by his peers and students alike, not only for his high performance as a practitioner and fighter but also for his character and humanity. His technical expertise is frequently sought after, and he has guided many students to achieve exceptional results in their gradings, from the early stages of their training all the way to high-level black belt achievements. His ability to break down complex techniques and concepts into understandable and manageable steps makes him an invaluable mentor and coach.

In addition to his technical proficiency, Jacob is known for his caring and supportive nature. He dedicates his time and energy to helping others achieve their goals, fostering a positive and encouraging environment in his classes. His students, ranging from as young as three years old to older adults, all benefit from his patient and engaging teaching style. Jacob ensures that every class is a great learning experience, tailored to meet the needs and abilities of each individual.

Jacob's classes are renowned for their inclusivity and effectiveness. He creates a supportive atmosphere where students feel valued and motivated to reach their full potential. His approach not only improves their physical skills but also builds their confidence and resilience, preparing them for success both inside and outside the dojo.

Shihan Dai Jacob Commadeur's dedication to Karate and his students is truly remarkable. His journey from a young enthusiast to a respected Shihan Dai exemplifies the transformative power of martial arts. Through his guidance, many students have found their path to personal and professional growth, achieving goals they once thought unattainable. Jacob's legacy as a caring, technically proficient, and inspirational coach continues to make a profound impact on the lives of all who have the privilege of training with him.

Awards & Certifications

4th Dan Teshinkan Karate | 2022-12-10

Work Experience

Bendigo Mixed Martial Arts Academy | Senior Coach

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Bendigo, VIC, AU

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