Terry Wingrove

Terry Wingrove

Coaching Category: Fitness

Specialization(s): Body Building, Functional Fitness


Hanshi Terry Wingrove is a highly accomplished martial artist, holding a 9th Dan Black Belt in Karate (Jutsu), 9th Dan in Jujutsu, 3rd Dan in Judo, and 3rd Dan in Aikido. Born in London on May 8, 1941, his serious journey in martial arts began at age 11 when he started practicing Judo at the Budokwai in London. By 15, he was influenced by the teachings of the late Vernon Bell, and by 17, he was enrolled in Bell's pioneering Jujitsu and Karate classes, the first of their kind in the UK.

Driven by a desire to deepen his knowledge, Terry trained with various Oriental instructors invited by Bell, including Huang Nam and Tetsugi Murakami, who taught Yoseikan style Karate. In 1960, he attended the UK's first Aikido course under Tadashi Abe and began traveling to Paris to study with Murakami at Henry Plee's Dojo. He also trained with the renowned French Karate teacher Jim Alcheik.

By 1963, Terry had become an assistant instructor in Karate and Judo in the UK. In December of that year, he captained the first British Karate team in Paris, alongside teammates like Jimmy Neal, under the national coaching of Vernon Bell. In 1965, after the Japan Karate Association (JKA) instructors Sensei Kase, Kanazawa, Enoeda, and Shirai arrived in the UK, Terry was inspired to train in Japan. Following a stint in Cape Town, South Africa, where he trained with Shirai Sensei, Terry moved to Japan in 1967. There, he taught physical education at the Marist International School in Kobe and joined the Shito-Ryu Dojo of Chojiro Tani, training with notable figures like Kimura and Tani.

Terry played a significant role in the Federation All Japan Karate Organisations (FAJKO) and the World Union of Karate Organisations (WUKO), serving as Chief of the Information Department. He helped organize the first World Karate Championships in 1970 and traveled globally as a WUKO staff member. In 1972, he attended the first all-styles Karate course in Chiba, where he was awarded his 5th Dan. His dedication to martial arts led to his 7th Dan Kyoshi in Goju-ryu Karate-Do in 1989 and his 8th Dan Hanshi Karate Do in Tokyo in 2007. In March 2011, he received his 9th Dan Karate Jutsu with Shihan Menjo.

Terry’s passion lies in teaching martial arts rather than sporting Karate. His deep research and specialist study of Karate and Jutsu have taken him across Japan, Okinawa, and China. This exploration was supported by his business as an Oriental art dealer. Known for his motto "Feeling is Believing," Terry focuses on the practical application of Jutsu in his teaching. He is a non-political figure in the martial arts world, dedicated to sharing his extensive knowledge with students and instructors of all ages and styles globally. His commitment to teaching a true martial art and not just sport Karate has earned him a strong following among serious martial artists worldwide.

Awards & Certifications

9th Dan Judo - Jujitsu | 2000-09-09

Work Experience

Cyberjitsu | Hanshi

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London,, London,, GB

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