Specialization(s): Body Building, Functional Fitness
William Collett, better known as John Collett or simply “JC” began his journey in the martial arts in 1963. It was a poor start, like so many, drifting here and there, until he met Professor Raymond Lea in 1972. Since then he has trained with many talented martial arts practitioners, particularly, he has trained under Professor Lea since 1972 and under Tino Ceberano Hanshi since the early 1980s. Having now retired from the information technology industry he devotes his time to research and teaching based on the skills that he has acquired through his long association with two of Australia’s foremost martial arts practitioners. Much of his time is put to assisting Professor Lea in teaching Hyou-ha Bankoku Jujutsu and in the development and presentation of more formal, structured courses on the traditional Kuatsu and Hakuda Kenpo of the late Professor Kam Hock HOE, and on assisting Ceberano Hanshi with the formal development and teaching of his Goju-kobujutsu syllabus and demonstrating the inter-connectedness of karatejutsu and the traditional kobujutsu methods.
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